Having to watch a tournament stream where the text gets manually updated by the streamer and seeing the text pop up letter by letter as he types it in is one my biggest pet peeves. Using txt files as a source for the text solves that problem, but it can get cumbersome managing multiple files and windows. In addition, I've seen many people talk about having a live feed of tournament results along the bottom of the stream, and while we got to see a little bit of that on VGBootCamp during Apex, it had to be manually inputted, which just adds to the work of a streamer. I decided to solve both of those problems by making a program that allows streamers to just type in text and click a button to update the stream and also pulls bracket data from Challonge to create an automatic feed of tournament results. (v0.1) Designed for use with OBS. I've never used Xsplit or any other streaming software so this tool may not work with those programs.
Windows only. How to use. Download and extract. Run streamtextupdater.exe. There is a 'files' folder in the folder you extracted. That's where all the text outputs to.
Aug 26, 2013 Newer Video for the Browser Source Plugin: Add scoreboards, lower thirds, updatable texts and animations to OBS using the Browser Source.
Make sure that folder exists. If it doesn't, create it. Run down of what each field is: Infotext: tournament information, i.e. Tourney name, round, etc.
Outputs to info.txt Player 1: Player 1's name. Outputs to p1.txt Score: Player 1's score. Outputs to score1.txt Player 2: Player 2's name.
Outputs to p2.txt Score: Player 2's score. Outputs to score2.txt Cam 1: Text for playercam 1. Outputs to cam1.txt Cam 2: Text for playercam 2. Outputs to cam2.txt Ticker: manually inputted text for the ticker. Precedes bracket feed if a Challonge link is specified in the Challonge field. Outputs to ticker.txt along with bracket feed. Challonge: link to Challonge bracket.
Currently, pulls 3 completed matches from winners and 3 from losers that are the farthest along in the bracket. That is, matches that have a larger round number and are towards the bottom of the bracket have priority. So for example in, it would get matches C, D, E, J, K, M. Outputs in the form (WR/LR)round number player 1 P1 score - p2 score player 2.
Automatically updating on a set time interval is planned in the future. For now, just hit the button semi-regularly. Outputs to ticker.txt along with text from Ticker field.
Using OBS, associate each text field with the appropriate txt file. You don't have to use all the txt files if you don't need to.
Make sure not to rename or move any of the files. The program won't follow the changes and will just create new files with the hardcoded file names it knows. Test it out by putting in some sample text.
The 'Update' button updates the fields above that button. The 'Update ticker' button updates ticker.txt. Not supported/untested. Challonge tournaments that are not single-elim or double-elim. Round robin pools). Two-stage tournaments. Automatically updating ticker on set timer (planned).
Text fields other than the ones built into the program (planned). Saving to user-defined directories (planned). Mac/Linux (will do if enough demand). Xsplit/other streaming software (untested) (I'll make it work if it's not too much of a pain in the ass) Future updates/contact I plan to update this tool with new features and new behavior.
To avoid cluttering the subreddit, I'll edit this post and post updates on my Twitter. If you run into any problems using the tool, or have any questions or suggestions, message me here or tweet at me.